‘Mayloon’ – Wonder symbol for back-ache

Image by https://www.flickr.com/photos/fortcollinschiropractor/

Compassion is the other name for Karuna Reiki and I find compassion flowing in abundance in all the symbols. ‘Mayloon’ is one of them.
In today’s busy world, due to wrong postures, recurrent slip discs, & above all sedentary life style, people suffer from acute backache. We healers, always experiment with Reiki symbols, and while experimenting I found Mayloon to be really a wonder symbol for backache.

Here are a few simple steps which will surely help you to free / lessen the backache of the person

  1. Sit in a relaxed position.
  2. Inhale & exhale breathe, while you gradually settle in a state wherein your mind becomes free of conflicts, ego, and all the vices which we possess.
  3. Before my meditation, I always invoke ‘Ma Kali’ (Indian Goddess), & ‘Archangel Michael’, to help me & assist me in this process, to be successful. You can call upon your respective God / Goddess, whom you are guided to.
  4. Visualize the ailing person’s back in front of you, and concentrate on his back for 5 minutes.
  5. With conned fingers draw the symbol on his back.
  6. Imagine golden light emitting from the symbol & sucking away the pain from his back.
  7. Remain in that state of mind for the next 15/20 minutes.
  8. After doing so visualize the smiling face of the person free of pain, and gradually come back to yourself.

    Image by <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/fortcollinschiropractor/" target="_blank">https://www.flickr.com/photos/fortcollinschiropractor/</a>
    Image by https://www.flickr.com/photos/fortcollinschiropractor/

I have tried this on my husband & it really worked wonders.

May Reiki God help you with these simple steps.


Oindrilla Mukherjee
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Oindrilla Mukherjee is a Reiki Healer. She is highly spiritual, & considers Reiki to be the ‘Elixir of Life’. She practices USUI Reiki (All Levels), KARUNA Reiki, ANGEL Reiki, FUSION Reiki, Magnified Healing, Pranic Healing. unsung She has also accomplished - ‘Hands-on Healing’ & ‘Distant Healing’. Her success as a Reiki Healer, incited her so much that her ultimate goal in life has taken a divine diversion with a penchant towards healing mankind, & particularly the under privileged children – whom she beckons as the unnoticed ‘Little Angels of the Almighty’. Oindrilla lives in Mumbai, India ; and can be reached at her e-mail : Oindrilla.mukherjee6@gmail.com