Home Reiki healing cleansing

reiki home cleansing
reiki home cleansing

Some time we visit a house or hotel or place, we get very negative vibration, not even other location at our home too, we feel very sad , depressed, moodiness or like we wanted to turn around or leave from the place. The feeling we get on these places called negative vibrations, a sensitive person may accept these negative vibrations easily. More over some guests leave their negative vibrations in our home. We all are regularly cleaning our house physically, clean the door, floor, windows and almost every location but negative vibrations sill alive in home.

Reiki healing is the best solutions to remove it, make your home positive, reiki is a pure life force energy, it is using for healing and wellness. Reiki Master Practitioner walk through your place and may sense the negative vibrations around your home, because he/she has the ability and or technique to sense the energy. Reiki Healer use the symbols to heal your home and improve the positive energy.

reiki home cleansing
reiki home cleansing

For home cleansing, Reiki Energy Practitioner use the reiki symbols for they are attuned or necessary to make positive vibration in home, we are using starting symbols here.

  • First of all chose the music for soothing musical environment for reiki healing.
  • Use incense stick to purify the home.
  • Now call the supreme energy to initiate the reiki, chanting to clearing and cleansing the home and make powerful.
  • Pick the incense stick and walk around the all rooms, make and initiate the ChoKuRei Symbol
  • Keep the incense stick in circular and say ‘Cho Ku Rei, Cho Ku Rei Cho Ku Rei, you can make the Cho Ku Rei symbol in the air with incense
  • After cleaning and chanting all the house, place the incense stick in the center of the house, now draw a big symbol in the air to stay clean and energies the house.
  • At last you must gratitude to Reiki Guru and Reiki Power to make it possible.
Jitender Kumar
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Reiki start learning just for fun and learn something new, after doing my First and Second level of Reiki, I love to do Reiki. Start with learning new, or I would say magical, it is a science of nature. Curiosity to learn more give me the Grand Mastership in Reiki from Reiki Healing Foundation (RHF) Delhi. I love to do healing.