Understanding the Reiki Basics

Understanding the Reiki Basics
Understanding the Reiki Basics

Today I am going to share a few very basic understanding of Reiki – this may help the beginners to answer some of their queries.
I have come across various people who want to know about healing or who need healing. Most of them are new to Reiki so they have lots of questions.
Some of them come because they are curious to know. Some come as they are in dire need of help and healing. There are people who need instant fix! So when they don’t see any difference over forth night they shift from one healing modality to the other or they shift from one healer to the other.
So, many of them ask:

1. How do I know who is the best healer / teacher?

Well. Every healer / teacher is good at his / her own way. So one cannot compare or rather one should not. How one healer or teacher differ from each other will be the way they teach, they way the understand, they way they explain or express. Every healer has his her individual way.

Just trust your intuition. It will lead you to the person who is best possible healer / teacher for you. Keep it simple. Don’t go into too mach complications while selecting a healing / teacher.

Understanding the Reiki Basics
Understanding the Reiki Basics

2. I have certain areas to heal. So do I need any specific healing modality?

I personally feel, if you know any 1 healing modality (I will say Usui Reiki as I find it to be most powerful) you can just heal through the same. You do not need to learn any specific healing modality for any particular issue.

However, it’s good to know more so that you can use them if you feel the need. If you don’t know, absolutely no harm.

What you need is some patience. Nothing really happens over night, it takes time to heal. Reiki heals from the core level so it indeed takes time. When the healing is done – which may take weeks or months or even years, you will notice how amazing it is.

For an example, before Reiki, I used to be a person who was very attached the people or situation so my reaction used to be overwhelming. Now, with most of the events and people I stay absolutely indifferent. Doesn’t mean I no more care. But I no more allow them to ride on me. So people and situation remain same. My reaction to them has changed.

This is one of the changes that I have noticed in me over few months of Reiki.

3. Is it ok to learn more than one modality at the same time?

Depending on what you are learning. Few healing modalities are very intense and do a lot of detox. So it’s always advisable if you give enough time between two modalities.

If you think, you can give enough time to understand each modality and see the beauty of it at the same time – you can learn more than one modality at the same time. Every modality has its own beauty. Give time to understand that.

Most of us focus on the problem and according to the problem we choose modality and then we don’t even give enough time.

Meditate. Write. Understand. Spend time with it.

4. Can one learn Usui Reiki Level 1 and 2 together?
Again, it depends on teacher to teacher. Few teach both the levels over weekend. Few give 21 days gap. Few suggest 3-6 months.
I personally feel, 3-6 months gap is the best. Level 1 is introduction to the energy; it does cleansing and healing on physical level. Unless and until you reap the benefit and beauty of it, how do you think you will enjoy another level?
Trust me, it’s not a competition – there is no rush. Be there. Enjoy it. I realized, most of the questions get answered during level 1 and 2. Before going to Level 2 which is cleansing and healing the emotional level, make sure you are ready for it.
There is no need of deadline. It’s ok to even give few years gap!
Reiki is such a beauty that you can use it in various innovative ways – there is no such hard and fast rule. You can create something or your own. So if you do not give enough time to explore, how do you think you will see and feel the benefit?

5. Should I do this or should I do that? How do I do that?

There are times when we find ourselves restless and confused. Unable to understand what to do! And most of the times we frantically run from one source to the other for answer.
Most of us don’t spend enough time to ask the same question to our higher selves. Chances are high you will get most authentic answer from higher self!
You can always ask your friends or master or someone whom you think is suitable. But why do you think they have the answer when you don’t have? They may have more experience. Doesn’t mean you have less access to the source. If you are a Reiki channel, you have the access to the source. So without being restless, try to connect with your higher self first.
If you don’t get the answer then you go to another person.
By saying so, I want to say, we have the potential which we don’t even explore! We keep hopping from one source to the other, one modality to the other!

If you have any issue (which most of us have) – find some quiet time. Sit with that issue. Have a friendly conversation with the issue. Dig deep into it.
You never know you might reach the core of it and you yourself find the solution. Even if you are a beginner, it’s possible!
Most of us treat it as 21 days course. Once 21 days done we rush to another level or modality. It’s not really so. All you need to do is, spend some time exploring and understanding the modality you already know.
Hope this article helps you clarifying some of your questions.

Moumita Rudra
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Moumita is a Reiki Master who came in touch with Reiki long before the first attunement, even before knowing what Reiki is. Gradually situations make her keen to know and learn more and that’s how the journey with Reiki began. She teaches and practices healing with Usui Reiki, Soul Mate Reiki, Tiger Reiki and Magnified Healing. She also enjoys practicing Angel Cards and Tarot. She offers personal healing, distance healing, Relationship counseling.