How to give Reiki to your business

How to give Reiki to your business
How to give Reiki to your business

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How to give Reiki to your business

Normally when we think about Reiki, we thought it always work for body or Mind, but with Reiki, we can heal anything even our business too. Here I am telling you two simple methods which any Reiki practitioner can do easily.

Preparation always important before giving Reiki so you need to keep your business card, letterheads, Registration copy, shop act license, office plan, advertising tools and any other documents or pictures of your products, a list of your regular clients with you.

Method 1

Steps –

1 – Now sit Relax or in meditative posture invoke Reiki, your Guardian Angels, and higher self, spiritual teachers and guides, Guru, tell them to be present in this Divine Healing process and tell them to help you, guide you, protect you and assist you. Meditate for 3 – 5 minutes.

2 – Now just look once the material which you keep with you, which is related to your business.

3 – Now visualize your firm/business name and start giving Reiki to the name, put own made positive affirmations like eg. “this name is becoming famous” “it attracting abundance and Prosperity in all manner “etc in present tense or in future present tense, give all your known Reiki symbols & channelize Reiki for 1 – 2 minutes.

4 – if you can visualize your office easily then fine or else you can start with printed office plan which you kept with you, Start giving Reiki to your office first fill (by intentions or visualization) your office completely with Reiki energy. Even intent that Vastu Purusha also getting Reiki. Put all own made positive affirmations like ” Prosperity and abundance energies are now completely and permanently stored in my office”, “my office is completely protected ” Give all your known Reiki symbols again and channelize Reiki for 1 – 3 minutes.

5 – If you have any partner or staff then visualize them and give them Reiki with symbols with positive affirmations for 1-3 minutes. Also, place your gratitude towards them and pray to Reiki for their positive cooperation and happiness, good health and improve creativity and they be loyal towards you and your work.

6 – Then visualize your business concept or products, business ads and give Reiki to them with placing all symbols and affirmations to increase their popularity, authenticity and attract good clients, do for 1-3 minutes.

7 – then visualize your clients and the people who are involved in deal and give them Reiki with placing all symbols with positive affirmations like “business relation are improving with them for long term”, “getting good orders from them “, do 1-3 minutes

8 – After finishing this visualize everything shortly and to seal this process give CHK 3 times and say in mind the whole Healing process is sealed and locked give Reiki for 1-2 minutes.

9 – place your gratitude to all and say thanks to whom you invoked in starting the process.

Method 2

It’s very simple, for this method you need one green envelope which can carry your business card, letterheads, Registration copy, shop act license, office plan, advertising tools and any other documents or pictures of your products, Name list of your regular clients and Name list of your partners and staff.

Seal them in a green envelope with blue paint Draw CKR on each corner between two CKR draw SHK or if you are Usui Reiki level 3 practitioner then draw HSZSN. In middle of the envelope Draw CKR – SHK – CKR. As you heard about Reiki box like that this is your Reiki envelope so now be Ready do same as mentioned above in point no 1, keep envelope in your left palm and place your right palm on it or you can keep your both palm on it if you keeping that envelope on table (palms should be in cup position), Close your eyes and Visualize everything which you kept in envelope and start giving Reiki give all your known symbols and place all positive affirmations which mentioned above meditate in the same state for 10 – 15 minutes. Then place your gratitude to all and say thanks to whom you invoked in starting the process. Then open your eyes slowly and keep that envelope in a safe place so you can give Reiki to it daily.

Malang Shiv
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