Have You Ever Met Your Aura

Hands Aura
Hands Aura

Word ‘Aura‘ comes from latin language. Aura means a  bright light, an invisible emanation or field of energy of a person or an object. Its a magnetic range originates from  one’s physical body. Every thing is this universe has it’s aura. Aura acts like a protection boundary around you from any bad vibration or negative energy. It’ s a bright shine reflecting one’s persona. In our mythology we can see The Aura (Tej, brightning, positive energy) around every God’s face and body.

Aura has it’s own colour, shape and flow which also increases or decreases. According to one’s mental, emotional state. Seven layers of Aura can be identified which protect seven chakras.

Hands Aura
Hands Aura

Aura Basically divided into two parts. Outer Aura which is a protective shed can be upto 6 to 8 feet and more than that. Inner Aura is like a mirror or reflection of one’s  internal body. It’s area is about 4 to 6 inches or more than that. We do cleaning, healing, diagnosis and Reiki through inner Aura.

In our daily life we met to many people, in office, at home, at our work places. some are carrying positive vibration or energy, other are carrying negative, but we came in contact of everybody. Negative energy effects us a lot, we feel tired heaviness, body-ache and restless. To remove these bad vibration or negative thoughts and energy. We required to clean our Aura and get back our positive thoughts and energy back.

Firstly we have to check our Aura.  To make your hands sensitive, one by one touch the tip of the fingers to the center part of the palm now rub the palms, fingers and create some energy. Rub the palms, hands around 21 times. Feel the sensitivity as you hold a balloon in your hands. Close  your eyes and feel it.This will help you to find the energy , power or Aura of yours. This will help you to realize your Aura.


Ritu Guglani
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