Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse is a big cosmic event in the sky, and it’s very good time to process your thoughts and wished in action. Solar Eclipse is the time to renew the moon with full of energy, this event make very powerful astrological changes in our lives. Feeling for this event is different for every person, it’s almost new beginnings.

Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse Image by nachans

Some feel the physical effects of the energy like aggression and anger, tiredness.

It’s very good time do reiki and get new energy also follow few steps to do the same.

  • Make the slip of your wish, you can make multiple slip or single slip for more then one wish.
  • Fold the slip and draw the Reiki Symbol on it, you can also place these slips in reiki grid if you have.
  • Now call the reiki energy and connect with moon with distance symbol
  • Now start Reiki for every wish you right on slip, like it’s already happen.

The best time to do so is within the first 24 hours after the exact Solar Eclipse/New Moon, after completion thank to Reiki energy and moon energy.

Anchal chug
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